
Osuna Artisan and Gastronomic: Tradition of Generations

Craft of Osuna

The artisan tradition in Osuna has a great history, as a result of decades of hard work of great masters. Ceramics are still crafted in this town and its main decorative elements are based on sevillian tiles belonging to the 18th century which are used to decorate courtyards and cloisters of convents and monasteries. Glass, forge, resin, esparto or cordovan leather works are just an example of the mastery of the artisans from Osuna.

José A. Molina. Artesanía en Cerámica
El Ejido Industrial Park, Parcela 146

12, Arrieros st.
Tel.: 696 461 630 // 954 812 769

Arte2. Taller de Cordobán y Guadamecí
Belmonte Industrial Park

50, Alfareros st.
Tel.: 954 815 309

Tallista José Carlos Ligero
Tel.: 676897309

Gastronomy of Osuna

The whitewashed and monumental streets of Osuna, together with its warm temperatures throughout the year provide us with one of the most perfect settings for tasting its typical food outside. Osuna has a rich gastronomy thanks to its variety. Its best known typical dishes are ardoria, cocido ursaonés, repapalillas de bacalao or guiso de tagarninas, all of these plates made with olive oil from the town. Among its confectionery we can highlight its gachas de San Arcadio, aldeanas and the homemade specialties of the Encarnación, Concepción and San Pedro convents.

Productos Alimentarios Quesí
Service Area Industrial Park
Avda. de Málaga, 22
623 015 759
Convento de la Encarnación (Mercedarias Descalzas)
C/ San Antón, 15
954 811 121
Convento de la Concepción
C/Sevilla, 1
954 810 425
Convento de San Pedro (Madres Carmelitas)
C/ Cristo, 17
954 810 647

Pastelería-Confitería Santo Domingo

Calle Carrera,63
Telf:954 81 03 27

Pastelería San Francisco

Calle Asistente Arjona, 2B
Telf:954 81 13 80

Obrador de Confitería Torres

Calle esparteros,8A
Telf: 955 82 03 53

Gluttire Pastelería Creativa

C/ Sor Ángela, 122 local
Telf: 659 43 41 85