
El Peinado track

On this route our starting point will be the Municipal Sports Center and the end will be the Service Area. It is a route in which we are going to find constant ups and downs.

We start at the Sports Center and head towards the Las Vegas Industrial Estate a few meters before reaching the gas station located in said area, we must turn left, take the bridge that would take us to the entrance to the highway, when we pass the bridge we must look for a dirt road to our left, with caution we take this path and shortly after we turn right to take the “Camino del Urraco”, we continue straight ahead crossing the “Arroyo del Salado” and the “Arroyo de Marchelina”, we cross over the path of the railway line taking the bridge, after crossing the Arroyo del Saltillo ”and just before reaching the “Arroyo del Peinado” we turn left to go along the “Vereda del Peinado” during a section parallel to this same stream, passing near the “Cortijo del Peinado”.

We arrive at the “Vereda de la Calderona”, cross the “Arroyo del Peinado” and turn left, we continue and as soon as we pass the “Cortijo del Agujetero Bajo” we turn left to reach the road “SE-8204” ( Carretera del Puerto de la Encina), we take it turning to the left and after passing by the “Arroyo del Peinado” bridge we turn right, we continue along this path located between olive trees until at the end we must turn left to continue along the “Vereda del Vínculo”, we left behind the ruins of the “Cortijo del Vínculo” and arrived at the “Cañada Real de Ronda”, crossed the “Arroyo del Vínculo” and turned right to reach the “A-451” road (Carretera del Saucejo), we cross this road and arrive at the “Cortijo de Hornía”. From here we continue on asphalt until passing by the “Cortijo de Cachimonte”. We will find a crossroads where we must continue straight.

We pass the “Cortijo de Madueña” and arrive at the “Cañada Real de Écija a Teba”, we take it turning to the right and after crossing the “Arroyo de las Viñas” we turn left. We advance between olive trees and turn right, cross the “Arroyo de las Palomas” and continue straight until before reaching the “Cortijo de Majaron” we turn left, continue to take the “A-378” road de Martin de la Jara towards Osuna. After approximately 700 meters we turn right at the intersection that we see, we continue on the asphalt for approximately 3 km to turn left shortly after passing the ruins of the “Hacienda del Soldado”, thus entering the “Vereda de Ípora” , we follow this path to finally return to Osuna after passing through the “Cortijo de los Arcos” and the “Cortijo de Doña Laura”.