
El Término track

We will take the Municipal Sports Center as the starting point and also the end. This is a route with many ups and downs throughout its route.

From the Municipal Sports Center we go to the “Carretera del Rubio” and shortly after passing the cemetery we take a path that we have on our right called the “Camino de Cuesta de las Enanas”, we continue straight on passing by the “Cortijo de Sandino” When we reach the ruins of the “Rancho de los Angulos” we turn right to enter the “Vereda de la Albina”, 1 km later we take the path that we have on our left called the “Camino del Rosal y Gilenilla” which It leads to the “Cortijo de Gilenilla Alta” and the “Cortijo de Gilenila Baja”. We follow this path to cross the “Cortijo de la beata” and we come to the “SE-726” road (Carretera del Rubio).

We take the road turning to the right and after traveling 1 km along it we must abandon it along a path that we will see to the left in the curve, we skirt a water raft and we come out to the “Vereda de Lucena”, we cross it to continue along the ” Camino de los Mártires ”and connect with the“ Vereda de pozo del Rey ”, we cross the“ Cortijo de Alcalá ”and head towards the“ Cañada Real de Marchena ”turning to the left, we go up to the Hermitage where the residents of Rubio celebrate Its pilgrimage, picnic areas are installed there and it is a good place for provisioning, we continue down the “Cañada Real del Término”, which we continue after crossing the “SE-725” road.

Following this ravine without turning off, we find further ahead a crossroads that we will take to the left to leave this ravine. We continue this path until we find a new intersection that we take to the right. We have been several kilometers, since we passed the “Cortijo de Alcalá”, crossing the line that divides the municipal term. At this point we can distinguish on the right on a hill the “Gallape Tower”, after passing through this tower we see another intersection in which we must turn left, until we pass a patch of eucalyptus trees and find a path that we take again. on the left, looking for the “Cortijo del Monte” that we can already see. Now we continue straight, we pass by the “Cortijo de Las Basilias”, returning to our end and crossing the “SE-725” road again, we continue without deviating until we end up again in the “Vereda de Lucena”, at the height of the “Cortijo de las Boticarias ”and the“ Cortijo del Terrosillo ”. We turn right until we reach the “Laguna del Terrosillo” where we take the path we see on the left to reach the “Hacienda de Santa Cruz”. Finally, we continue straight on to finish arriving at Osuna.