
El Tesoro track

We will take the Service Area as the starting and ending point for this route. This is a route in which we will visit the neighboring municipality of Aguadulce and in which we will experience various ups and downs.

We leave the Service Area towards Aguadulce taking the service road of the “A-92”, we keep left to enter the “Camino de las Aguilillas” also known as “Camino de los Carros”, we pass by the “Rancho de Méndez “and after doing this we turn left to link with the” Cañada Real de Marchena a Estepa “, we continue along this ravine until we see a path called” Vereda de Hilo Morado “on the left, we follow it and we stay on the Right to enter the “Camino del Tesoro”, we continue leaving behind the “Cortijo de Gilenilla Alta” and the “Cortijo de Gilenilla Baja”.

We continue straight until the “Cortijo del Tesoro” that gives its name to this route, we continue ahead to reach a junction where we must turn right to take the “Wide Lane Path” that leads to the “SE-9205” road ”(Carretera de Aguadulce al Rubio) we merge onto it turning to the right, approximately 1 km later we turn left to go down a stony slope to cross the“ Rio Blanco ”, a little further on we have to turn right and continue straight through the picnic areas of the Ermita del Patrón de Aguadulce until we reach the town, where we can make a stop to regain strength.

We continue crossing Aguadulce passing by the Town Hall and leaving through “Calle Santa Ana”. Next, we continue straight across two bridges and as soon as we cross the second bridge we turn left to enter the so-called “Camino de Rompesquinas”

We continue without deviating and arrive in front of the “Cortijo del Peñón”, at this junction we turn right and cross the “Río Blanco” again, starting the ascent, passing first among young olive trees and then connecting with the “Vereda de Ípora” that after going through the “Cortijo de los Arcos” and the “Cortijo de Doña Laura” will take us back to Osuna.