
Geographical features, strategic location

Osuna is located in the south-east of the province of Sevilla. It borders with Écija on the North; with Estepa on the East; with Morón, Marchena and La Puebla de Cazalla on the West and with El Saucejo, Los Corrales and Martín de la Jara on the South.

Settled at the heart of Andalusia, it has a strategic location in the autonomous region.

The municipality of Osuna covers an area of 593 Km2, which is the fourth largest in the province. It represents the 4.22% of the province’s total surface.

Two different regions make contact in our municipality. One of them, the Sevillian Countryside, presents a mainly flat area, with clayey and limestone lands, and covers two thirds of the whole municipal area. On the other hand, the Sierra Sur –foothills of the Andalusian mountain range- has lands with lime and plaster, where olive trees and the low mountains dominate the landscape. Its mountainous orography often surpasses 500 metres of height.

Regarding the climate, Osuna characterizes by kind winters and short autumns and springs, with an annual average temperature of 18 degrees approximately (the average maximum temperature is 42.3 degrees, while the average lower temperature is 3.6 degrees) and precipitations which vary between 500 and 600 l/m2.

The Tourist Office is located in 37, Sevilla Street, in the Osuna Museum headquarters. Tel.: 954 81 57 32 (