
Ípora track

On this route that we are going to describe the starting and ending point is the Services Area. The area through which we are going to pass is mainly composed of agricultural land (mainly olive trees) and forest areas, in the last section we will make a long descent to return to the municipality.

Leaving the Service Area we must pass under the bridge of the “A-92” to access the “Camino de Ípora”, following this path we will find a level crossing without barriers that we must cross with caution, a little later we will see the “Cortijo de Doña Laura” on the left and immediately we pass under the path that was made for the railway line, we continue on until we reach a crossroads where we have to continue straight. As soon as the intersection passes, we enter the “Vereda de Ípora” through which our route follows, we pass through the “Cortijo de los Arcos” and we come to a road junction, this road is the “SE-485”, we must continue descending without leaving the “Vereda de Ípora” until we see the “Cortijo de Ípora” or “de los Naranjos”.

We leave the aforementioned farmhouse on the left and begin the ascent, continuing parallel to the “Arroyo de Ípora”. We continue along the marked path to find another farmhouse called “Cortijo la Lapa”, when we arrive we must turn left and just before leaving the farmhouse we must take a path on our right to continue our journey. We arrive at the “Cortijo el Ciprés”, a little further on we must join the “SE-485” road, turning left along which we continue until we reach a new road junction where we will enter the “Cañada real de Antequera” by the path that we will see our right.

Following this ravine we pass near the “El Calvario Monastery” that we can see from the lower part of the “Cerro del Calvario”, we continue crossing the “A-378” highway (Carretera Martin de la Jara) to enter the “Vereda del Calvario” , after passing near the “Casilla de los Pericos” and crossing the “Arroyo de las Viñas” we see a crossroads where we turn left to enter the “Cañada Real de Écija a Teba”, shortly after we turn right to pass by the Cortijo de Madueñas. We continue along the marked path until we reach a crossroads, we will take the one on the right to continue descending through the “Cañada Real de Cañete” until after leaving behind the “Cortijo de Capaparda” we return to Osuna.