
La Campiña track

For this route the starting and ending point is the Osuna Municipal Sports Center. The itinerary leads us through paths of cereal crops, crossing several important farmhouses in the Osuna countryside.

Starting from the Municipal Sports Center, we must head towards the Las Vegas Industrial Estate, through the gas station located in this industrial estate, we enter the “Cañada Real de Morón” (using the service lane) and shortly after crossing the “Arroyo del Peinado” We will take the “Vereda de Otero” located on our right, just after we turn left again to take the “Camino del Cambrón” which we will continue until we reach the “Cortijo de la Dueña Baja”.

At this point we enter the olive trees that we will see and link to the “Vereda de la Romera”, which passes through the “Cortijo Venta de la Romera”, we will be located at the junction of the roads “SE-715” with the “SE -716 ”in which we will continue straight taking this last mentioned road. Here we must make a section of approximately 3 km per asphalt until we again reach a junction where we have to take the path that we see on our right, thus entering the “Vereda del Alamillo” that we will continue passing through the “Cortijo de Pajares” until you reach the next road junction.

As soon as we cross the “SE-710” highway (Lantejuela Highway) we can see the “Cortijo Casa Blanca” surrounded by a vast olive grove. We continue our route through the “Vereda de Rabadanes” following it we will find on our right the “Cortijo de Cantalejos” and we will end up arriving at the “Cañada Real de Lucena”, we follow this ravine passing by the “Cortijo de Topetecano”, we will arrive at another intersection in the one that we must cross the “A-351” road (Carretera de Écija-Osuna), after doing so we will reach the final section of our route. We turn right to take the “Camino de Santa Cruz” and continue along it without taking any detour. When we reach approximately half of this last section we come across the “Cortijo de Santa Cruz”, we pass the farmhouse and continue straight on until we finally reach the municipality again.

It is worth mentioning that in rainy seasons some of the roads become impractical. There are some alternatives such as the one existing at the junction with the “Vereda de los Arenosos”, km 9.8 approximately of the route where we can turn right up to the Maestre hill and after passing the “Cortijo Los Arenosos”, take the sidewalk del Alcaparral just before reaching the road.